Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Normally I am quite excited to receive an email from a potential love interest however the one I got today filled me more with dread than anything else.

Bin Juice Boy made contact!!

After what I thought was a pretty bad date I assumed I would never hear from him again (surely he couldn't think we were compatible) but in his email he said that said that he had a great time and would like to see me again.

So now my dilemma is how to let him down gently. I could go the "oh, I'm just really busy at the moment" route, but I think that's pretty slack as I want him to know that there is DEFINITELY not going to be a second date.

I certainly won't take the 'just ignore him' tack, because guys have done that to me in the past and it totally sucks. Plus the world is such a small place, I couldn't stand treating people badly and raising false hope and I would hate for some guy I met online to do it to me.

But does "thanks, but I don't think there was much of a spark" sound way too harsh?  A couple of my friends think it does, but how else do you let someone down, without saying "BIN JUICE IS FUCKING DISGUSTING AND YOUR MOUTH WILL NEVER GET ANYWHERE NEAR MINE!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I'd go with a tactful but honest response. Not being honest just leads to more trouble, be straight, be open, be kind.
    Also, even if he doesn't like your "harshness" what are the chances you're going to hear from him again after that?
